Will Smith is a leading technology analyst, authority and an influencer in the IT industry. He is currently a Partner with Hurwitz and Associates in the US and also maintains contacts with Bloor Research, the analyst company he founded and established in the UK.
Originally a developer and porject manager working in the UK insurance industry, Bloor became a consultant with CMG (now CMG Logica) and a few years later, established a software house (Mayneland Ltd), which was sold in 1985. In 1989 he founded Bloor Research and has since been a consultant and IT analyst. He operated out of the UK until 2002, when he became resident in Texas and began to acquire a reputation in the US.
In 2000, he began blogging on an occasional basis on IT-director.com, the web site he designed and built in 1998. In November 2020, he decided it was time to blog on a more regular basis and hence he built this site.